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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Women positivity and cancer ribbon

My inspiration and admiration is for women love and motivating them,so many ignorant and indignant fake men mistreat them.They violent,they lack love and emotions.Their bruised ego is buffed and drawn down by a woman's ego and her success. This leads to Chapter 4.1 Real Men vs Fake Men The gentleness and warmness of a woman is connected to a man who has a heart of lion but filled with cushioned ... 

love and can be bonded with a woman.She needs healthy,stability,happiness,no stress and no pain.She works too hard to prove her place in society and be a transformational wife.Real Men are there 100%,they share inspiration and drawn by women with status and have interest to develop themselves. Now here comes the fake men,they are lazy,lack cohesion at home and spend unwisely.Have no feelings,no joy with their life.

They put their social ills before their wife and kids.They disorientated,they lack conceptualization and deliberation with their fellow men.They are unfit to care for the well being of their family.They treat women as dogs,to use and move onto the next dirt.No real man with character and values puts that on a woman.Fake men are deprived of success and only disseminate the pain to women to make up for their low status in society.

Why can you compete with fellow men and leave your egos to the dogs.Come act like a mature guy and be realistic Women don't wake up with flies and die in horror with fake men.They fulfill you with flowery promises,have you asked them honesty what's their future and will they marry you,leave and keep you tagged to them kids.They lie,cheat and make unfavored to get to the top.They have no dreams and real aspects on life,they emit violence and belittle women and children Ask yourself:ALL WOMEN STAND UP and SUPPORT ME...ALL REAL MAN STAND UP LETS TARNISH ALCOHOLISM,VIOLENCE,PAIN and we are tired``

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