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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Am Me...Who are you?

I Am Me...

A rock
A cradle
A treasure
All in the name of wisdom and faith





I'm out of flaws

I'm out of bounds

I'm out of love strings

I'm out of this world

I'm definitely me..

I am who I am

I am me

I am what I decide to be

I am what I prove to be

I am what stands between glory and the light

I am the sorcerer's guider

I am the story that unfolds

I am me

I am human

I am a successor

I am who I am

I am what I ought to be

Hold your ground

Turn on your rifles

Turn on your screams

Whisper your flies

Whisper your flesh

Whisper the unthinkable

I stand unshaken

I stand unproven

I stand tall

I glitter with sympathy

I tremble across the lakes and oceans

I stand against the mighty and the free flow

I am what I am

I am me

Judge the crossbows

Judge the books

Judge the enemies

But don't forget to look me in the eye

Tell me your guilt

Tell me your desire

Unlock your fear

Unlock your pain

Unlock the greatest in me

Pour it all down

Pour it in the deepest ways

Pour it across the rivers and mountains

Stamp on it

stamp and stare

Stamp and face the fury

Stamp and face the heat

Burning through their eyes

Burning through their mouth

Burning through their thick skins

I am what I am

I am finest creation

I am set to blow the lights and light up the freeways

I have me

I have character

I have strength

I have the integrity

I sing across hearts

I sing across hate

I sing across sorrow

I sing across deliverance

I stand and stamp on my heart

I stand and detest all those who weep and die in starvation

I stand and stamp those fall below hate and depression

I stamp and stand against those are ill treated and violated

Stand for you

Stand for yourself

Stand for right

Stand and be you

Embrace your glory

Embrace your success

Let them burn in your presence and weep in your flames




For your self

For your family

For your fellow men

For your freedom

Burn the flames of regrets

Burn the flames of suffering

Burn the neutrality of life

Are you embracing yourself

Are you loving who you are

Then you should stand

I am what I am

I am me

And who are you?

What do you stand for?

Ask yourself that?

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